Breaking News: Scan reports are in


1 CT

1 Octreotide Scan: 3 days long

2 injections of contrast

1 drinking of contrast

1 injection of radiation

9 viles of blood

1 jug of urine 

All in 1 week

And the results are in………….

Everything looks FANTASTIC! My radiation oncologist was really excited with the results of the surgery and of the scans. He came in the room hugging me saying congratulations. My first thought was “Wait, it’s impossible for me to be pregnant.”

My body is still healing so the stomach issues that I’m having will hopefully reside. If not, then I’ll do the camera pill swallow thing and go from there. I do have a dislocated rib which I pretty much guessed already. It’s from the surgery and very common. Have an unlimited supply of pain meds for that. So when I start driving a BMW, I’ve become a dealer. 

There are 3 tumors still in my liver which I was already aware of. They are stable and shrinking. The largest is the size of a sunflower seed. Yes, you read that right. A SUNFLOWER SEED!! 


I will continue to do my monthly injections and do scans every 6 months (use to be 3 month scans) and see all my doctors like normal.  I will continue to have all the nifty carcinoid side effects since I have and always will have carcinoid cancer. 

I go back to the specialist March 16th to see what all he has to say and hopefully get the tumor biopsy results. 

So all in all, I don’t plan on dying from cancer any time soon. 

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